Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Seal in Illustrator

...draw your oval first using the ellipse tool...

...choose effect (or filter) > distort and transform > zig zag...

...adjust settings to suit...

...adjust the miter limit to a higher value in the stroke palette if required and also the adjust the stroke weight as required...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Teach Kids to Learn

How Kim Komando was raised!
Business and computer technology were a staple at home. She fondly remembers: “When my father would ask me what I did in school, if I didn’t have anything noteworthy to tell him, he would make me read an article in the Wall Street Journal and then report back to him what I learned.”

PDF Creator

bull zip - works just like a printer
at the time of creation, you can
add to another pdf
add a password
add a watermark
merge to your letterhead

PDF reDirect
Easily later combine tons of pdfs to one document and give passwords